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Listing Details

Central New Hampshire Restaurant Repair Business


File #223006

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  • Region: Not Specified
  • Price: $379,000
  • Income: $332,610
  • SDE: $97,091
  • FF&E: $82,000
  • Inventory: $25,000 - included
  • Listing#: 223006

SOLD!  23-year-old restaurant repair business with a very large and diversified customer base. The business has an excellent reputation providing services on the equipment in commercial kitchens in central and southern New Hampshire. Sales this past year exceeded $300,000, producing discretionary earnings of just under $100,000. This is a recession proof business as when a piece of equipment breaks, needs immediate maintenance or parts replaced, it must be done to keep the food related business functioning. The owner is willing to stay for a long-term training and transitional period. The business including $82,000 worth of furniture, fixtures, equipment and vehicle, good will, non-compete agreement, vendor, supplier and customer lists and training during the transition to a new owner are offered for $379,000 including approximately $25,000 worth of spare parts and truck stock.

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