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Listing Details

Established Roofing Company with High Margins- Southwest NH


File #221009

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  • Region: Southern NH
  • Price: $550,000
  • Income: $935,748
  • SDE: $256,647
  • FF&E: $100,000
  • Inventory: $30,000 - included
  • Real Estate: $200,000
  • Listing#: 221009

SOLD! This is an outstanding opportunity to own a very successful roofing company.

This well-established company is known for its excellent reputation and quality of work. It is a company where its customers are its biggest source of referrals. Sales in 2021 came in at $935,748, producing discretionary earnings to the owner of $256,647.

Demand is for their services is strong. The business serves residential and commercial customers and has long standing relationships with exclusive contracts with multiple commercial properties.

The business and real estate including $100,000 worth of furniture, fixtures, equipment and vehicles, $30,000 worth of supplies and inventory, training by the owner to the new owner or owners, good will, non-compete agreement are all offered at $550,000. The offering price is allocated at $200,000 for the value of the real estate and $350,000 toward the value of the business and its assets.

This listing has been sold!

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