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Listing Details

Sewer Pumping and Service business- Southern NH


File #217003

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  • Region: Southern NH
  • Price: $699,000
  • Income: $596,391
  • SDE: $158,881
  • FF&E: $200,000
  • Listing#: 217003

Interested in expanding your septic pumping business in the Southern NH area?  With a reputation for honesty and reliability, this pumping and service business has been operating for over 30 years.  The business is family owned and operated with long-term employees. The business with equipment, goodwill, covenant-not-to-compete (with exception to design, installation and rejuvenation of septic systems), and training, if necessary, is offered at $699,000. Sale price will include equipment and the transfer of five well-established toll-free phone numbers.

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