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Listing Details

Established and Extremely Reputable Eating Disorder Treatment Facility


File #216019

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  • Region: Not Specified
  • Price: $799,000
  • Income: $755,013
  • SDE: $193,825
  • Real Estate: $400,000
  • Listing#: 216019

Available for acquisition is a privately-owned business and real estate located in New England that has been providing eating disorder treatment services to clients for almost three decades.  The established business provides outpatient treatment services as well as intensive outpatient treatment programs.  It continues to be an extremely busy, profitable and always growing practice, with the approximate wait time for new patient intakes usually being six weeks. A few of the services the business provides are individual psychotherapy, medical assessment, family and couples counseling. The business operates from a 5,000-square foot, multi-purpose facility with 12 offices. The facility is fully staffed with administrative personnel, licensed psychotherapists, mental health counselor, family nurse practitioners and medical assistants. Ownership is open to considering various transfer structures, including one that would keep one of the current owners involved as the Director.

This business and related office property are offered at a combined price of $799,000.

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