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Listing Details

Profitable, Quintessential Country Store


File #216009

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  • Region: Southern NH
  • Price: $389,000
  • Income: $803,201
  • SDE: $93,677
  • Inventory: $30,000 - included
  • Real Estate: $200,000
  • Listing#: 216009

Located in the Monadnock region, in a quaint, upscale New Hampshire town center, this small-town country store offers a full assortment of departments, from coffee and visit space up front to coolers for beverages, dairy, produce and meat, locally sourced products as well as a broad variety of dry goods and snacks. What sets this business apart from similar country stores? This one is profitable! The building includes an upstairs apartment currently rented that could be used as owner’s quarters. The real estate is in excellent condition. Offered for $389,000 including $30,000 worth of inventory.

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